Feature to Run Subject 7 test case/Execution sets from JIRA after mapping them to JIRA issues
We are looking for a way to Run the particular Test Case/Execution Sets through JIRA. Consider the following scenario for example: we have a test case called 'Test_Case_1' in JIRA and we have linked the automation script 'test_script_1' available in the Subject 7 repository through the JIRA Plugin (with a unique selection of data sets). Now, if there was a 'Run' button on the JIRA plugin interface, which when clicked would execute the corresponding mapped test case/s (or Execution Set/s), in this case, 'test_script_1', in Subject7 automatically. This feature would allow the us to execute and report the status in JIRA without having to open Subject7.
I hope I was able to make myself clear. Let me know if you need any more details about it :)
We are planning to use Subject 7 Jira plugin for our project and I was wondering if suggested above feature was implemented already or is still in progress? That would really good feature to allow our customer to execute script directly from Jira while they are doing UAT testing.
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