
Test cases is working fine in local player but getting failed in cloud

My test cases is working fine in local player but I noticed that same test cases I have execute in cloud run is getting failed . This is happening with most of the test cases . Can you please advise me any right practice to run test cases in cloud run
Joseph Hamdan

Hi Joel,

Could you please advise which specific test cases are passing locally but failing in cloud?

We'll need to take a look at the failed steps to learn what causes failures in cloud but not locally. If you can provide as much info as possible, that would be great.

Subject7 Team

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Joel Sequeira

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for your response 
Could you please check some  of the belows test cases:
Test case ID : 61 , 68, 69, 70


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Joel Sequeira


Hi Joseph,

One more issue is there as you guys advised to use verify_elememt instead of wait and I implemented the same .
But I have noticed that my test case got failed randomly to verify the "ok button" in many test cases
I tried by fixing by changing the Xpath but still facing the same.
Could you please help
Test case : 69, step 65
Note : If you did not get the issue in single go then please re-run the same test case multiple times

Also I want know that how can I close my browser after completion of test cases.


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Joseph Hamdan

Hi Joel,

I inspected test case ID # 61, I think the other test cases are also impacted by the same issue. The number you included in Switch_Window command is 2, so it tries to find window # 2 and the reason it passes locally is due to Subject7 recorder window which is also opened during execution, while in cloud there are only 2 open windows. Now the reason it fails in cloud is because the command works from the order of 0 for 1st window, 1 for the 2nd window and so on. If you run your test locally and close the recorder window, it will also fail and throw the error that says "Handle index is greater than count of available windows". To resolve this, please fix the number in Switch_Window command to not be more than the number of available windows and close recorder window when running the test locally.

For test case with ID# 69, very similar issue caused by Switch_Window as window switching makes test case look in the wrong place and triggers failure in the end. I ran test case and the numbers for Switch_Window commands should be as follows:

Step # 16 > 1
Step # 24 > 0
Step # 38 > 1
Step # 46 > 1
Step # 50 > 1
Step # 58 > 0

Once you get these numbers fixed, please also remember to close recorder window locally and it will pass.

To answer your last question, browsers are killed at the end of cloud execution, so this is done automatically. For local runs, clicking Stop execution will close all the open browsers and end execution for you.

Subject7 Team

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Joseph Hamdan

Hi Joel,

Please let me know how it works out and if there is anything else I can help with, I would be happy to.

Kindly note that the interference of recorder window is a bug, so closing it is a workaround until we fix the issue. 

Subject7 Team

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Joel Sequeira

Hi Joseph

Switch_window issue is almost in every test cases so to fixing my test cases with this workaround will take a lot time.
Could you please let me know est. time that how long it will take to resolved the issue so that I can plan accordingly.


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