How to avoid execution set failed due to long page time out?
We have our execution set with re-run set for 5, and run test cases against multiple web browsers. It seems even the simplest test case for login and logout some time will fail for some browser and pass for other browsers. When I checked the video, the cause seemed to be the test step to open the login page it self is taking longer than expected possibly due to the network issue of the cloud test running environment. I tried to extend and set page timeout for 180 seconds in system setting, but a warning pop up and said max page timeout if 30 seconds.
The question is how we can eliminate those test failures due to long page loading time?
Sure, an example of it would be our coach portal execution set run with execution id #1555, you can see under this execution run there are a few failures, one example would be ID 30059, running with Firefox.
Here are the logs from the run:
2021-06-15 12:44:44 [pool-52-thread-1] INFO - Test execution id=30059 start, number of steps 11 2021-06-15 12:44:44 [pool-52-thread-1] INFO - Step index=0 PASS 0(ms) [Call coach_login] message='null' 2021-06-15 12:45:17 [pool-52-thread-1] INFO - Step index=1 FAIL 30059(ms) [Goto_Url HALT ${coach_portal.url}] message='Cannot open '' Driver: Firefox Driver Driver verison: 0.29.0' 2021-06-15 12:45:18 [pool-52-thread-1] INFO - Test execution id=30059 finished. Status='FAIL', Message='Execution failed at step 1. Message Cannot open '' Driver: Firefox Driver Driver verison: 0.29.0'
Hi Dhrupa,
Upon inspection, we see that the site is opening, but the page does not finish loading in time so a failure is thrown. No signs of issues from cloud executors.
Also, you tried to set Page Timeout on the execution set page, but it does not accept anything higher than 30 because the maximum value is 30 seconds under Administration > Account Preferences > Timeouts. You can go there to change the maximum value, which is 150, then adjust the value on the execution set. However, this change will apply to all test cases under that set.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Subject7 Team
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