
Ability to Close all tabs at onece in the left panel

It's better user have the ablity to close all tabs in each category in the left panel. For example, if there are mulitple executions open, or mulitple test cases in the flow section, user would be able to close all executions or all tests at once (a warning before closing would be ideal to avoid accidentally closing all tabs). 


Official comment

Jonathan Hotz

Hi Hasib,

You currently can close all of your open tabs at one time, by right-clicking the "Close Tab" button in top-right of the screen, and selecting "Close all tabs". We are planning to add functionality to close the tabs in once section at a time, though, and hope to have this out in the next month or two.

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Firas Khalili

Hi Hasib,

We appreciate users requesting enhancements. We are evaluating your request and will provide updates, hopefully soon.

Subject7 Team

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