Microsoft Power Apps testing
We are using Subject7 to test an application built with Microsoft "Power Apps". When doing this there are a lot of items which are built in a different format then what I normally see. One example is added below. Normally, I would use an XPath to find an item, but in this case there doesn't seem to be a reasonable approach. I am looking for potential guidance on what might work. The formats produced by Power Apps are hard coded, and there is not a lot of flexibility to organize them.
In this case, The XPath to get to the start of the fuzzy section would be
After that, there is an unusual format for the data. In the example below, I am looking for the data which is in bold "Subject: Here is a subject". Any ideas on how to get there?
<div class="appmagic-textbox" touch-action="pan-x pan-y" appmagic-control="txt_View_Title">
<!-- ko if: (mode() === "multiline") --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: (mode() !== "multiline") -->
<input appmagic-control="txt_View_Titletextbox" class="appmagic-text mousetrap block-undo-redo readonly" data-bind="
attr: {
type: mode() === 'password' ? 'password' : 'text',
title: properties.Tooltip() || null,
'aria-label': properties.AccessibleLabel() || null,
placeholder: properties.HintText,
readonly: viewState.displayMode() === AppMagic.Constants.DisplayMode.View,
'data-control-part': properties.Clear() ? 'text clearable' : 'text',
inputmode: keyboardMode,
maxlength: properties.MaxLength() < 0 ? 0 : properties.MaxLength()
css: {
underline: properties.Underline,
strikethrough: properties.Strikethrough,
readonly: viewState.displayMode() === AppMagic.Constants.DisplayMode.View
value: text,
event: {
click: handleClick,
change: handleOnChange
style: {
fontFamily: properties.Font,
fontSize: properties.Size,
color: autoProperties.Color,
fontWeight: properties.FontWeight,
fontStyle: properties.Italic,
textAlign: properties.Align,
lineHeight: properties.LineHeight,
paddingTop: properties.PaddingTop,
paddingRight: properties.PaddingRight,
paddingBottom: properties.PaddingBottom,
paddingLeft: properties.PaddingLeft
disable: viewState.displayMode() === AppMagic.Constants.DisplayMode.Disabled" type="text" title="Subject: Here is a subject" aria-label="Subject: Here is a subject" placeholder="" readonly="true" data-control-part="text" inputmode="text" tabindex="30" style="font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-weight: 600; font-style: normal; text-align: left; line-height: 1.2; padding: 5px;">
<div class="appmagic-text-clear-container">
<button class="appmagic-text-clear-button" data-control-part="clear" data-bind="
visible: isFocused() && properties.Clear() && properties.Text() && mode() !== 'password' && viewState.displayMode() === AppMagic.Constants.DisplayMode.Edit,
event: {click: handleClearClick},
attr: {'aria-label': AppMagic.Strings.TextInputClearButtonLabel},
style: {color: autoProperties.Color}" aria-label="Clear value" tabindex="31" style="display: none; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">
<svg class="appmagic-text-clear-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 12 12" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
<polygon points="12,1.1 10.9,0 6,4.9 1.1,0 0,1.1 4.9,6 0,10.9 1.1,12 6,7.1 10.9,12 12,10.9 7.1,6"></polygon>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: properties.Format() === 'number' && viewState.displayMode() === AppMagic.Constants.DisplayMode.Edit --><!-- /ko -->
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