Hello, we have a user (userid - ydasri) who is reported an issue running a test case with SQL steps and is getting this error...
IO Error: IO Error PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target, connect lapse 31 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms.
.... she was on VPN and had ran the test case previously with no issues,I ran the DBTEST test case for all connections as well as the specific test case in question, I could not reproduce the issue, and her IP address is part of the eRA filewall and she can run sql queries in PL/SQL with no issues.
I saw FAQ I am getting the error "sun.security.validator.ValidatorException.." what should I do? – Subject7 (zendesk.com) and I am not sure if it is applicable since the user is running a SQL query and not trying to access a url.
I would appreciate us having a meeting with the user so that we can demo the isssue and get it resolved. Thanks.