
Error for SSL Certificate in SOAP request

We have a user reporting an error with an SSL certificate below...

MustUnderstand headers: [{}x-era-clientid-signature, {}x-era-clientid-content] are not understood.

.. we are not getting this error with other certs being used, please see information about the affected test case and screenshot below.

Test Case name/ID/location -  ORI_Service / ID 14277 / Tests/ Infrastructure / IPF_FOLDER / IPF_BS5_MIGRATION / IPF_SERVICE_TESTING / ORI_Service
Affected Test Step in Test Case (if applicable) - Steps 15 – 17. 
SSL certificate name: - eracert192_ks.jks
Browser used for Local/Cloud Run (if applicable)    Chrome

1 comment
Joseph Hamdan

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for writing to us. Would you please provide feedback on the below:

  1. Does this happen only on this machine?
  2. Does this happen only for local run or cloud runs as well ?
  3. Was this ever working? If yes, when ?
  4. Has the certs changed on the endpoint server ? for expiration or any other reason? 

Subject7 Team

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