
SET_LIST with .xlsm file


I was wondering if there was a way to have an .xlsm compatible with the SET_LIST function? We are not looking to execute any macros or anything, though we would like to do some validations within the data. Most likely, this will be done a very high-level such as just the column names on 4 or 5 different sheets. Any suggestions or ideas with how this could be accomplished, as I believe the current system does not allow for this? 

1 comment
Firas Khalili
Hello Zach,

Thank you for contacting us. We're glad to assist you. Currently, Subject7 supports the following file formats:
  1. Datasets
  2. CSV files
  3. XLS files
  4. SQL
If there's an opportunity to convert your files to one of the formats listed above, it could potentially resolve your issue.

Best Regards,
Subject7 Team
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