Set Default Dataset Based Upon an Individual Test Case

The current process allows you to select a 'default' dataset for the overall Data Template. However, if you have multiple test cases that use the same Data Template, this can be very difficult to maintain constantly having to change the drop down of what dataset needs to be used. Additionally, when you create an execution set, you then need to assign the data set to each individual test case you are running.

I think you should be able to choose a default data set for each test case, so it doesn't somehow get changed in between runs. For example, there have been several instances where I have come back to run test cases on my local machine where I would need to change the datasets back to what it needs to be set. Even though, myself or others on my team never messed with this. 

Lastly, I believe these defaults should be synced over when adding test cases to an execution set. This can be a very timely process if you need to click down the entire list of test cases to add datasets, and it has a lot of room for error. 


See my prototype below:

1 comment
Firas Khalili

Hi Zach,

We appreciate users requesting enhancements. We are evaluating your request and will provide updates, hopefully soon.

Subject7 Team

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