
How to insert a carriage return and other special characters into a Fill Command

I have a Fill command and would like to insert a carriage return in the text which is entered with the fill command.   There also seems to be an issue when trying to insert tabs and other special characters.   What is the method for doing this.



Joseph Hamdan

Hi William,

Thanks for creating a community post. In the Value field of Fill command, if you enter @ sign, you will see a list of variables. At the end of the list, you will see 3 system variables which allow you to press Enter, Tab or Delete after filling the element is completed.

Since this only includes 3 hotkeys, if you would like to do more, you can use Click to keep focus on a specific element, then use Desktop_Hotkeys command with Focused Component and pick your hotkey. For example:


Please let us know if you need anything else.

Subject7 Team

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William Smith

Ok thanks, I see it now.   I looked at the system elements at the top of the list and didn't see it, then didn't scan past all the variables I had created.  

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William Smith

So, here is a quirk to this.  I notice that @system.key.enter is available in the Fill command but does not appear to be available in the set_var or compare commands.   This might be why I didn't see it the first time around.

Is this as expected?


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Joseph Hamdan

Hi William,

In order to better understand your flow, would you please elaborate on why you would like to see it in Set_Var or Compare?

Subject7 Team

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William Smith

Sure.   I am pulling data from a web page that has multiple lines. Something like (between the ----------------------- area.


Here is line one of my input.

Here is line 2 of my input.


I want to compare that output with other text.  One option is to add each line into multiple compare texts, and use a contains argument.   The other is to compare the entire text.   The advantage of comparing the entire text instead of one line at a time is validation that nothing strange is inserted into the text.  This is especially true when comparing text with formatting controls.  

The text is being pulled from a ckeditor field.



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Joseph Hamdan

Hi William,

Thanks for the clarification. Please note that Compare command performs a comparison between 2 values, so it's not possible for it to activate Enter Hotkey and do a comparison of 2 lines. The only suggestion we can make is to grab each line and compare them separately.  

Subject7 Team

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William Smith

What you say is true.  The point here is that by entering one of the values to looks like this:

@instruction1 @system.key.enter @instruction2

Then that becomes one value.   The two lines of the read value become the other one, and we still compare just two values.


Perhaps this needs to be a feature update request.

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