Feature Request: Additional Application Logging
This request is to provide additional application logging for those organizations that have to adhere to higher security standards for all tools deployed within their network. Additional login requested:
Escalation of user account permissions (High Priority)
[timestamp] [username] modified [username] [type of modification] ( ex. made admin, removed admin, etc)
Modifications of admin settings (High Priority)
- [timestamp] [username] modified [setting_name] [type of modification] (enabled, disabled, text configured, etc)
Create, modify, delete users/groups (Normal Priority)
- [timestamp][username] modified [groupname] [type of modification] (ex. create, delete, rename, etc)
- [timestamp][username] modified [username] [type of modification] (ex. create, delete, rename, etc)
- [timestamp] Account created [username]
Audit events of User activities (Low Priority)
- [timestamp][username] [eventtype] (ex. log in, create/delete scripts/folder, etc just normal audit type logs)
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