
Ability to expand the line by clicking on the Command text

I would really like to be able to expand a line by clicking on the line itself, instead of clicking on the arrow. For me when I am moving my mouse through the lines, I have to check that I am expanding the line that I want to work on and not clicking on the arrow of a wrong line. 

Currently when I move my mouse over the text, the text where my mouse is becomes bold. It would be more helpful for me if the whole line's color changed to a deeper shade of gray indicating exactly which line my mouse is, instead of the text only changing. 


Official comment

Rex Feizi

Thank you for your thoughtful input. Just clarify, are you referring to the inline wizard arrow? You are referring to the test case and its steps, correct?

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Nowshin Pial

Currently on proof, to work on a step, I have to click the arrow in order to expand the step, and then work on it. I would like to have the feature to expand the step by clicking on the step line itself instead of just clicking on the arrow. 

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Payam Fard

This is added as part of 8.6 release. Thanks for your recommendation.

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