
Using Compare Text

I have multiple questions relating to compare text: 
1) How can you match partial text/incorporate regex wildcards 
2) Are there any aids for comparing difference between LHS and RHS? This is situation specific, but there are instances where a variable does not update (requires Subject7 to be closed and restarted) or it is still unclear where the values differ (potentially whitespace?) Any aids in finding the differences between the two values? 
3) I can not copy text after clicking 'more' in an execution (see screenshot) 
4) The compare function defaults to text which is fine, but the comparison is greater than (not very useful for comparing text values) Can this be changed to equal to?

Jonathan Hotz

Hello David.

  1. Could you please provide example for the comparison you need to do?
  2. Could you please provide test case example for your question? It's not clear why it's required to restart Subject 7.
  3. You can try this workaround for now:
    - Hold down mouse left button and select the text. Don't release the button yet
    - Use copy hotkey, e.g. CTRL+C (Windows) or CMD+C (macOS)
    - You can release mouse left button now
    I will create an enhancement ticket for this. Thank you for brining it to my attention.
  4. Good idea! Yes, we will provide it in one of next releases.
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Rex Feizi


  1. If you mean hello* matching something on the right-hand side, this is not yet supported on the compare command. I think it would actually be a great feature. Currently, depending on the scenario there are ways to use regex to do whatever you want. That's why Alexei was asking about an example. There are javascript ways and also you can use set_var with regular expressions to trim the string to exactly what you need to match. 



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