
Load Testing _ Ramp up time

How does the Ramp up time work? If we select 100 users, is it loading all 100 users first then run the scripts?

Is it possible to have a option for increasing the number of users in a batch?  for example: choose total of 100 user but increase at increments of 5 or 10 until reach it reaches the total number. 

1 comment
Joseph Hamdan

The ramp-up period controls how long it takes to ramp-up to the full number of virtual users selected. If 10 virtual users are selected and the ramp-up is 100, it will take 100 seconds to get all 10 virtual users up and running. Each virtual user will start 10 seconds after the previous virtual user.

Ramp-up time/virtual users = seconds per 1 virtual user

Based on the examples you mentioned:

500/100 = 5 seconds
1000/100 = 10 seconds


* Note: The ramp-up period is automatically adjusted based on the number of virtual users you select, but it can be manually modified.

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