
"Verify_text" command searching text on rendered

Currently, if I want to do a verify_text command looks up the word by looking at the DOM and not what is rendered on the webpage. Therefore, if the searched word is on the DOM (but hidden) and not rendered, it will not return the result as I expected.

As of now, the only way to check this is to do a "verify_element" command indicating that it its hidden. For example, //tr[contains(@style,'display: none;')]. This is very tedious to do because I would have to make a locator that I am only going to check once for every single words as it may be hidden. It would be nice if there is a feature that allows the verify_text command to either check the rendered or the whole DOM.

1 comment
Payam Fard

Verify_text command is enhanced as part of release 8.6 to address this. Thanks for your recommendation.

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