Pdf. Attcahments

Sometimes I need to attach pdf extension files and somehow its not detecting as Pdf. Mostly when the pdf have 2 or more pages.. When a blank pdf is attached it works..  Is this due to time lag?


Official comment

Rex Feizi

Swapna, you are missing the following info:

  1. The error you are seeing when trying to use the File Upload or the behavior you are seeing. 
  2. Paste the HTML around the file widget and the XPath you are using to target it. 
  3. Is the PDF that you uploaded, accessible in the portal? meaning, when you go to File Uploads in Subject7, are you able to download the file from the direct link there?
  4. Is any other PDF file work or is it just this one particular PDF that is not working? Please try other PDF documents to make sure. 
  5. Have you tried to re-upload the PDF file, maybe it wasn't uploaded correctly the first time? 
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Payam Fard

Swapna, not enough information to help. Please provide the error you are getting when the PDF is more than 2 pages, what is the command you are using, the portion of the HTML related to file attachment, and any other information you can provide to help us understand your issue better.

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Swapna Chintapalli

File Upload is the command used.

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Payam Fard

What is the exact command you are using (with all of the supplied parameters - basically just include your entire command here), the portion of the HTML related to file attachment, and any other information you can provide to help us understand your issue better. There is not enough information here for us to understand the problem.

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Swapna Chintapalli

The exact command used : File_Upload and used the WebID from html. When I download the file, the file shown is not in pdf.


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Payam Fard

Swapna, please read the requested information above posted by Rex and Payam above and provide them fully otherwise we cannot help.

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Swapna Chintapalli

Rex & Payam, missing info:


  1. The error is shown in the behavior.
  2.  Command used File_Upload and WebID : $PpyWorkPage$pFilePath (Html page) and used the file (pdf).
  3.  Yes, am able to download the file, but the downloaded file is not pdf. format.
  4.  Its just this only pdf file step, the same file is working properly in other steps/ places.
  5. Yes, I've tried using other pdf files too, but its not working.
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