
Is it possible to use wildcard in the "Base Directory" filed within "Verify_File_Download" method

I need to verify and delete the file which was downloaded by the application. Since file is located in the Downloads folder it is using currently logged in user name in the path to the file (e.g. C:\Users\vmelnik\Downloads\HDW_FactSheet.pdf).

I am using "Wildcard" radio button to provide the file name in the "Local path" field. Also, I'm using "Base directory" field to provide the path to the file. So, in "Base directory" field I would like to use wildcard such as "*" to replace username portion (e.g. C:\Users\*\Downloads\). Does Proof tool supports it?

Jonathan Hotz

We don't have this functionality now for safety reason, but we will do some updates and provide it in on of future releases.

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Abayomi Akinpelumi

Hi Jonathan/Joseph, any updates on this request 'Is it possible to use wildcard in the "Base Directory" filed within "Verify_File_Download'? Thanks.

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Joseph Hamdan

Hi Stephen,

If your current inquiry is the same as in this community post, are you dealing only with one file?

If yes, what you can do is use a code snippet to generate the name of the most recently downloaded file name, then pass a variable to Verify_File_Download command. This won't require using wildcards. Please check this article and let me know if this resolves your inquiry or if you have any other questions.

Subject7 Team

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Abayomi Akinpelumi

yes one file, thx Joseph. It would be great to incorporate this as part of the Verify_File_Download command. Also can you please update the User Guide  for this command to provide more information on the use of ANT/Regex/Wildcard for the command. Thx

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