
Load testing user failure details

When i run load test and it fails, I can't figure out how many users failed per step. Proof shows me the count of users per step with error status, but how i can find out how many users for this steps actually were successful and how many failed.

In the image, in step 2, it shows 45 and error status. I ran the test with 50 users. Does it mean that 45 out of 50 failed or only 5 out of 50 failed? Also, in step 1 I see 50 users with error status. How many out of 50 actually failed?


1 comment

Official comment

Rex Feizi

Hi. This means step 2 was executed 45 times out 50. Therefore, 5 flows didn't make to step 2 which also means  5 failures in step 1.


I also recommend, always start with 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. Smooth progression will help you understand exactly how the application is behaving. We are adding more features to handle this kind of approach.   

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