
Is there an array-like data structure?

We have a loop that contains a Get_web_value with a locator that contains an index.

So, the outline is something like this:

Loop HALT idx 1 3 1
    Get_web_value HALT grant_num with locator (//div[@class='jss204')[@idx]
    <<< here we want to save each grant_num in the loop into an array >>>
Loop_end HALT

PRINT array[1]
PRINT array[2]
... etc.

Payam Fard

I understand that you issue an XPath and you get a list of items back. You can simply use a loop to iterate through this list (i.e. each time through the loop use the loop index) and take actions on them one by one? What is the need to put them into a collection of some sort?

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Brian Orledge

It sounds like this data structure is not needed. Even if there are a large number of steps that need to execute for each element in the XPath set, we can always create a function for these steps.

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