
Find & Replace Feature

It would be very helpful to have a Find & Replace feature built into the tool.  I visual something similar to Excel where you can define the "scope" of the Find & Replace.  It can be "scoped" to only the Test Case that you are in OR a global Find & Replace All.

One example of the need for this feature is with Execute Java functions used throughout different Test Cases.  What if I wanted to change the Snippet or Method to something new for every instance where it is being used.

1 comment
Payam Fard

Dominic, thanks for your recommendation. This is a very powerful but dangerous feature as it could have potential ripple effects throughout the entire account if there is a mistake made. We have a functionality called "Replace Steps" available from the Test Library but only available to the administrator of the account. However, before the admin can take this action, they have to lock the entire account (available from the User Management) menu (also only available to the administrator) to make sure other users are not in the system and not potentially modifying the same set of test cases. At this time, this functionality only allows changes to Fill, Execute_JavaScript, and Click commands.The command set available to this command is limited to only these 3 commands to ensure inadvertent changes are not made by mistake as otherwise recovery may be a much harder task to do.

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