
Saving/exporting linux shell output when using "get_ssh_value"

When using the "get_ssh_value" command, you can have multiple steps like

1. sudo su

2. cd /home/user

3. (execute bash script)

When running this on subject7, it will always "PASS" as subject7 will execute the steps through the established connection. However, the user has no idea what the output is. So even though there may be an error, user will not know and there is no efficient way to debug.

For example, if step 2 "cd /home/user" folder doesn't exist, the shell should return that file/directory does not exist. But on subject7 end, it will say PASS. It would be good if subject7 can save those outputs to a variable or some kind of log.

1 comment
Payam Fard

This is added in release 8.6. Thanks for your recommendation.

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