
Set_List command can't read xls data using URL


Anyone tried to read excel data from URL using Set_List method?

In my case i'm getting error "Execution Exception: Java heap space" provided below. File screenshot is also provided.


Official comment

Rex Feizi

Thank you for the update. Please find my comments below: 

1. This limitation can be changed by the admin, so it's configurable. 

2. I believe this is also configurable. If not, it must be. 

3. This must be filed as an enhancement. 


Hope this helps. 

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Vitaly Melnik

I figured it out. Looks like there are lots of limitations. 

1. Mentioned above issue was related to the file size. I believe file size should not be more than 30mb

2. Number of rows in the file should not be more than 100

3. Make sure that extension "xlsx" or "xls" is entered into the url field as small letters and not "XLSX" or "XLS"

This method is awesome but all these limitations make it useless for number of scenarios. Are you considering improving it?

For my process, I need to download a file which is generated daily from the page and verify if date in the file is current which will test that data was refreshed. Most of those files have more than 100 rows and some of them are larger than 30mb.

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Vitaly Melnik

Thank you for quick reply Rex. Could you please provide more details on how and where it can be configured?

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Jonathan Hotz

Hi, thanks for your feedback.

Limitation is not configurable at this moment. We restricted it when we introduced the command to see how customers will use it and get feedbacks if bigger limits are required.

We plan to add next updates in 8.8.0 release:

1. Make rows and columns limits configurable (+ no limits)

2. Make file size configurable

3. Fix the issue with upper case of file extension.

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Vitaly Melnik

After we upgraded to version 8.11.1 and increased the size of file upload to 100 MB and rows=1,000,000 and cols=200, still local player cannot load the file. We also added more RAM and remove garbage collection GCoverhead in C:\Program Files\Subject7\bin\player.bat by doing "javaw -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xmx2G". Still player shows that is trying to run the step, but no results.

Could you please take a look at the file on this page "" and see if you experiencing the same issue. File name you can see in the provided screenshot. It is highlighted.


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