
Excel interaction in Automation

hello, are there currently any commands that will allow interaction with a generated Excel document (fill/edit/delete row/delete column/save/etc) or any coming in the future?


I know Sikuli can be used as an alternative, just wondering if there are Excel specific commands.



1 comment
Joseph Hamdan

Hi Stephen,

At the moment, Desktop commands with Sikuli locators are the most suitable way to interact with Excel documents as well as any other desktop environment application.
The most useful command to use with Excel is Desktop_Hotkeys which can be used with various shortcuts. Some examples are found below:
1- CTRL + Key_c = copy
2- CTRL + Key_v = paste
3- CTRL + Key_s = save file
4- CTRL + Key_a = select all
5- Up / Down / Right / Left / Page_up / Page_down / Home / End = navigating inside document

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