REST Connection - How to pass parameters other than make it part of URL
Is there any way to pass parameter to a REST connection other than make it part of the URL?
I have some methods which requires many parameters and adding them directly to the URL will make it hard to maintain. It would be easier if I can add them the way we can add "headers" in the rest connection or if we be able to point to a data-set for list of parameters.
By looking at the screenshot you attached, it appears you are trying to pass parameters using GET method. GET requests do not allow request body according to RFC. You can pass parameters using any other request (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) but not with (GET).
Subject7 Team
Hi Stephen,
Using Get method with a body breaks standards and specifications. There's a post below where this topic above was discussed further with Hasib:
Could you please let us know of using POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE methods work for you?
Subject7 Team
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