
Locator disappear from test step if I'm not in the same project as the project which locator is saved for

When I open an existing test, the locator for the steps displayed empty if my Project is different than the project the locator belongs to. We know that if we are not on the correct project we can not search for locators but for the an exiting locator in a step, it's better to be displayed.

Or the other option can be locators for any project to be displayed if we used "Default" project.

Joseph Hamdan

Hi Hasib,

We are going to introduce a wide range of features for project management on the platform over the next 2 releases. Here is how it works as of today:
1. All artifacts that are part of the "default" project are shown regardless of which project the user has selected to be on. This is to allow the reuse of artifacts between different projects. A simple example is an LDAP common login for all applications in one organization.
2. The point of not showing the locator in the drop-down in step authoring is to give a hint as the locator doesn't belong to the current project. However, we think this may be confusing to some users, so a ticket has been created to provide users more info to avoid confusion.


Subject7 Team

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Hasib Rostaiee

Than you Joseph, 

Sometimes other people looking in the test and if we don't see the locator, they also won't know what project that locator belong to so they can switch to that project to see the locator or they can change the locator project the default if they know what locator is for that step.

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