Hi Hasib,
This can be done using a combination of If, Loop and Get_Web_Value (With CSS type and 'visibility' attribute). For example:
Set_Var HALT Static count "0" #variable for tracking count in order not to make infinite cycle
Loop HALT index 1 5 1
-Get_Web_Value HALT variable LOCATOR locator_name CSS false #This step gets the current visibility value
-If HALT TEXT variable = visible #This step compares variable value from above step with 'visible'. If the object is visible, the following 'Wait' step will execute.
-Wait HALT 'seconds'
-Else HALT
-Loop_Break HALT
-End_If HALT
-Set_Var HALT Expression index "@index-1"
-Set_Var HALT Expression count “@count-1" #cycle count steps
-If HALT NUMBER count > 1000 #cycle count steps(adjust number to your preference)
-Loop_Break HALT #cycle count steps
-End_If HALT #cycle count steps
-Loop_End HALT
Subject7 Team