We are working on automating SharePoint workflows with different profiles/roles.
Problem - Once a SharePoint site session is created, session is active until Guest Browser/driver is quit/closed.
Only known way, we can login to SP as a different profiled user is by quitting the driver, or by clear the current session info.
Why I am thinking of quitting the driver within the test? – So that I can pass the parameters/variables created within a workflow.
Thank you,
Hi Sateesh,
Can you try the below options to see if they work:
1- If opening SharePoint in a new tab creates a new session, in your test case, you can open a new tab using the script below in Execute_JavaScript command and continuing the test.
2- If step 1 does not work, you can use the below script in Execute_JavaScript command to clear session:
3- You can delete session cookies using Cookie command by selecting DELETE_ALL option
Subject7 Team
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