
Any advice on automating SharePoint Forms/workflow


Issue: Almost all from fields's web locators are dynamic values for a locator attributes(name or id).
for example:
<input name="ctl00$ctl33$g_9cf74a27_54bd_43b1_abc6_80982fabdbce$ctl00$ListForm2$formFiller$FormView$ctl18$ctl32$68954166_c6aa_45c6_980c_2adb194ac943$ctl01$ctl07$5fd88f15_2ded_4eea_802a_5fda47522f15" type="hidden" id="ctl00_ctl33_g_9cf74a27_54bd_43b1_abc6_80982fabdbce_ctl00_ListForm2_formFiller_FormView_ctl18_ctl32_68954166_c6aa_45c6_980c_2adb194ac943_ctl01_ctl07_5fd88f15_2ded_4eea_802a_5fda47522f15" class="nf-calculation-control-value" thousand-separator="0" data-type="string2" formcontrolid="c34457a5-0563-48c1-bc23-b9b486921944" value="some value">

If you used subject7 to automate SharePoint forms successfully, could you please share your toughs/approach taken.

thanks a lot in advance!

1 comment
Payam Fard

Sateesh, since the names and ids are all dynamically generated, you can use the label of these fields on the screen and come up with a relative XPath based on these labels. If you include more of the HTML that includes the label that refers to the above input field, we can provide a sample XPath for you that you can use for other fields on the screen.

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