
Question about SET_TIMEOUTS command behavior in PROOF Version

With the new changes in PROOF Version as it relates to locator and page timeouts, it seems that the SET_TIMEOUTS command is no longer independent of the user's or admin preferences; for example if I have the admin preference to have the page timeout as 150s and  the location timeout as 30s, the SET_TIMEOUTS command in a test case is restricted to under these values.

The great benefit of the SET_TIMEOUTS command is being able to set allowances for timeouts for the specific test case that it is used in, without having to change user preferences or execution sets settings, for applications that have known performance issues for actions/login/etc.

I should be able to set a page timeout for 200s and locator time out for 120s with this command with no concerns, as long as it is within the test case, now that is no longer possible (unless I am wrong).


Please help revert this change, thanks.

1 comment
Joseph Hamdan

Hi Stephen,

As part of the new timeout changes, basically this is how it works:

1- The Default and Maximum allowable limits can be adjusted in /admin 

2- The admin controls the limits for the users in Administration > Account Preferences

3- The users can work with the limits set by the admin in step 2

4- Set_Timeouts also works within the limits set by the admin in step 2

The following page demonstrates the timeouts in details:


Subject7 Team

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