
Request for Home/End buttons for Automated/Manual Test case scripts in PROOF

This is a request for Home/End buttons for Automated/Manual Test case scripts in PROOF, this will allow users to navigate quickly to the beginning and/or end of any created test case.

The buttons should ideally not be active unless there is an existing test case that has been saved, and during local run the test case must be paused to allow use of these buttons as well. Thanks.

1 comment
Joseph Hamdan

Hi Stephen,

Thank you so much for the suggestion. These keyboard interactions are supported, so if you click somewhere in your steps like the place highlighted below, you can press End on your keyboard to move to the last step and Home to move back up. You can also use Page UP and Page Down to move up or down slowly.

Please let us know if you this works or if you have any other questions.

Subject7 Team

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