
'Execution Exception: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist' error for Local Run

Hello, we have been getting an execption error (please see below) for any initial Local run on our laptops. Once we stop and perform the local run it works as expected. 

We are on Platform Fermat and Chrome 98, please help look into this; thanks.

Execution Exception: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist
Build info: version: '3.141.59', revision: 'e82be7d358', time: '2018-11-14T08:17:03'
System info: host: 'ODERALW02138508', ip: '', 'Windows 10', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '1.8.0_321'
Driver info: driver.version: ChromeDriver
remote stacktrace: Backtrace:
Ordinal0 [0x00677AC3+2587331]
Ordinal0 [0x0060ADD1+2141649]
Ordinal0 [0x00503BB8+1063864]
Ordinal0 [0x00522A32+1190450]
Ordinal0 [0x0051F295+1176213]
Ordinal0 [0x0051CC51+1166417]
Ordinal0 [0x0054D12F+1364271]
Ordinal0 [0x0054CD5A+1363290]
Ordinal0 [0x005484A6+1344678]
Ordinal0 [0x005253F6+1201142]
Ordinal0 [0x005262E6+1204966]
GetHandleVerifier [0x0081DF22+1680738]
GetHandleVerifier [0x008D0DBC+2413564]
GetHandleVerifier [0x0070D151+563089]
GetHandleVerifier [0x0070BF13+558419]
Ordinal0 [0x0061081E+2164766]
Ordinal0 [0x00615508+2184456]
Ordinal0 [0x00615650+2184784]
Ordinal0 [0x0061F5BC+2225596]
(No symbol) [0x75076359]
RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x777487D4+228]

Joseph Hamdan

Hi Stephen,

1. What's the test case/flow that you are executing?

2. Is this happening with all test cases and for all users?

3. Are you able to download files from Artifacts > File Uploads?

4. What's the full Chrome browser and driver versions?

5. Could you please restart local player, start a test case (until it fails), stop it and start it again, then send us logs?

Subject7 Team

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Stephen Akinpelumia

Please see my response below..

Hi Stephen,

1. What's the test case/flow that you are executing? It was failing on any step that got to launch a web browser, i.e Goto_Url HALT ${GM_Credentials_BT3.application_url}. But it seems to happen only the first time that day.

2. Is this happening with all test cases and for all users? I have not seen anyone report this issue yet, so far i am the one seeing this.

3. Are you able to download files from Artifacts > File Uploads? Yes

4. What's the full Chrome browser and driver versions? 99.0.4844.51

5. Could you please restart local player, start a test case (until it fails), stop it and start it again, then send us logs? I did try it, no failures, logs are below. Will try again tomorrow morning.


[DEBUG] Player base URL=, Website URL=
[INFO] Assignment info: test_case_name=GMII_ResearchSubjects_NIH, upload_type=PROOF, proof_server_path=, google_drive_root_path=null, s3_region=null, s3_bucket_name=null
[INFO] Step index=0 PASS 15(ms) [Set_Date HALT GMII_CurrentFY yyyy yyyy  ] message='Set @GMII_CurrentFY='2022''
[INFO] Step index=1 PASS 1(ms) [Set_Var HALT Static GMII_AdminIC "HL"] message='Set @GMII_AdminIC=HL'
[INFO] Step index=2 PASS 2(ms) [Set_Var HALT Static GMII_StatusCode "35"] message='Set @GMII_StatusCode=35'
[INFO] Step index=3 PASS 1(ms) [Set_Var HALT Static GMII_ApplTypeCode "5"] message='Set @GMII_ApplTypeCode=5'
[INFO] Step index=4 PASS 1(ms) [Set_Var HALT Static GMII_ActivityCode "R01"] message='Set @GMII_ActivityCode=R01'
[DEBUG] Connecting to database...
[DEBUG] Creating statement after variable resolutions query:delete from era_user_roles_t where USER_ID='AOA_TA' and role_name in ('GRANT_SPECIALIST', 'GRANT_MANAGEMENT_OFFICIAL') and context_value = 'HL';  delete from era_user_roles_t where USER_ID='AOA_TA' and role_name like ('GM_%') and context_value = 'HL'
[INFO] Step index=5 PASS 1593(ms) [Get_Db_Value HALT roleName BT3_ProxyAcct_OLTP QUERY GMII_Revoke_Roles] message='Set @roleName=0'
[DEBUG] Connecting to database...
[DEBUG] Creating statement after variable resolutions query:insert into era_user_roles_t (era_user_roles_id, user_id, role_name, context_value)  values (era_user_roles_id_seq.nextval, 'AOA_TA', 'GRANT_SPECIALIST', 'HL');  insert into era_user_roles_t (era_user_roles_id, user_id, role_name, context_value)  values (era_user_roles_id_seq.nextval, 'AOA_TA', 'GM_MANAGER_ROLE', 'HL');  insert into era_user_roles_t (era_user_roles_id, user_id, role_name, context_value)  values (era_user_roles_id_seq.nextval, 'AOA_TA', 'GRANT_MANAGEMENT_OFFICIAL', 'HL');
[INFO] Step index=6 PASS 435(ms) [Get_Db_Value HALT roleName BT3_ProxyAcct_OLTP QUERY GMII_AddRoles] message='Set @roleName=3'
[DEBUG] Connecting to database...
[DEBUG] Creating statement after variable resolutions query:UPDATE era_users_t e SET  e.primary_org_id = 'HL' WHERE  e.user_id = 'AOA_TA'
[DEBUG] Batch executed number of rows affected=1
[INFO] Step index=7 PASS 379(ms) [Get_Db_Value HALT roleName BT3_ProxyAcct_OLTP QUERY GMII_DefaultIC] message='Set @roleName=1'
[DEBUG] Connecting to database...
[DEBUG] Creating statement after variable resolutions query:delete from era_user_aliases_t where ext_sys_user_id = 'ERATEST106'
[DEBUG] Batch executed number of rows affected=1
[INFO] Step index=8 PASS 318(ms) [Get_Db_Value HALT Role_name BT3_ProxyAcct_OLTP QUERY GM_Delete_Mapping] message='Set @Role_name=1'
[DEBUG] Connecting to database...
[DEBUG] Creating statement after variable resolutions query:insert into era_user_aliases_t values (user_alias_id_seq.Nextval,'AOA_TA','INTERNAL','ERATEST106','NIH','TESTER',sysdate,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null)
[DEBUG] Batch executed number of rows affected=1
[INFO] Step index=9 PASS 350(ms) [Get_Db_Value HALT Role_name BT3_ProxyAcct_OLTP QUERY GM_Mapping_Account] message='Set @Role_name=1'
[INFO] Step index=10 PASS 2(ms) [Call Login_GM args=[]] message='null'
[DEBUG] ===>> create web driver for 6b0b619f-a2be-4677-98cb-185ef2ec82fd
[INFO] Connection opened for org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl@c45ea41
[INFO] Local player is connected
[INFO] Starting chromeDriver. Version: 98.0.4758.80 (7f0488e8ba0d8e019187c6325a16c29d9b7f4989-refs/branch-heads/4758@{#972})
[DEBUG] waitForPageToLoad =30
[DEBUG] LocatorTimout     =10
[DEBUG] delay             =10
[DEBUG] ===>> web driver created for 6b0b619f-a2be-4677-98cb-185ef2ec82fd
[DEBUG] ------------Printing cookies before deletion-----------
[DEBUG] ------------Printing cookies after deletion: Size=0
[DEBUG] MainWindowHandler and currentWindowHandler ->CDwindow-B79AE26F965919F9964D945D3894E517
[INFO] Step index=11 PASS 5554(ms) [Goto_Url HALT ${GM_Credentials_BT3.application_url}] message=''
[INFO] Attempting to find locator TFA_InternalLogin.Link.PIVExempt using Xpath "//span/a[contains(text(),'Sign in using your account credentials')]"
[DEBUG] WaiStrategy timeout=2000
[DEBUG] Looking for element:TFA_InternalLogin.Link.PIVExempt
[INFO] Attempting to find locator TFA_InternalLogin.Link.PIVExempt using XPath "//span/a[contains(text(),'Sign in using your account credentials')]"
[DEBUG] WaiStrategy timeout=10000
[INFO] Locator TFA_InternalLogin.Link.PIVExempt was found
[INFO] Step index=12 PASS 1283(ms) [Click HALT TFA_InternalLogin.Link.PIVExempt] message='XPath: "//span/a[contains(text(),'Sign in using your account credentials')]" was used to find element 'TFA_InternalLogin.Link.PIVExempt''
[INFO] Step index=13 PASS 14(ms) [If HALT TEXT ${GM_Credentials_BT3.application_url} contains uat] message='Condition=false'
[INFO] Step index=27 PASS 1(ms) [Else HALT] message='null'
[INFO] Attempting to find locator TFA_InternalLogin.text.username using Web ID "USER"
[DEBUG] WaiStrategy timeout=2000
[DEBUG] Looking for element:TFA_InternalLogin.text.username
[INFO] Attempting to find locator TFA_InternalLogin.text.username using Web ID "USER"
[DEBUG] WaiStrategy timeout=10000
[INFO] Locator TFA_InternalLogin.text.username was found
[INFO] Step index=28 PASS 991(ms) [Fill HALT clear='false' TFA_InternalLogin.text.username "${GM_Credentials_BT3.Username}" ] message='Resolved: ERATEST106
Web ID: "USER" was used to find element 'TFA_InternalLogin.text.username''
[INFO] Attempting to find locator TFA_InternalLogin.text.password using Web ID "PASSWORD"
[DEBUG] WaiStrategy timeout=2000
[DEBUG] Looking for element:TFA_InternalLogin.text.password
[INFO] Attempting to find locator TFA_InternalLogin.text.password using Web ID "PASSWORD"
[DEBUG] WaiStrategy timeout=10000
[INFO] Locator TFA_InternalLogin.text.password was found
[INFO] Step index=29 PASS 945(ms) [Fill HALT clear='false' TFA_InternalLogin.text.password "${GM_Credentials_BT3.Password}" ] message='Resolved: *****
Web ID: "PASSWORD" was used to find element 'TFA_InternalLogin.text.password''
[INFO] Attempting to find locator TFA_InternalLogin.button.Signin using Xpath "//button[@type='submit' and text()='Sign in']"
[DEBUG] WaiStrategy timeout=2000
[DEBUG] Looking for element:TFA_InternalLogin.button.Signin
[DEBUG] Player base URL=, Website URL=
[INFO] Cancel test execution
[DEBUG] ===>> reset context for 6b0b619f-a2be-4677-98cb-185ef2ec82fd
[DEBUG] closing web pilot...
[WARN] Closing the browser...
[DEBUG] closing all windows ...
[DEBUG] null
[DEBUG] all windows are closed
[DEBUG] ===>> quiting driver 
[DEBUG] ===>> driver quited
[DEBUG] web pilot closed

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Joseph Hamdan

Hi Stephen,

The main culprit here appears to be your browser. Did this issue occur before the browser updated itself from 98 to 99 ?

If not, then possibly the difference creates random behavior. In your User Execution Preferences > Advanced tab, could you please use this next to Chrome temporarily and let us know if this helps in any way:

chromeOptions=["--start-maximized", "--ignore-certificate-errors","--no-sandbox","--disable-dev-shm-usage"]

Subject7 Team

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Stephen Akinpelumia

It is possible that it is browser related, but I did not get the issue this morning.

I will keep an eye on this and will add this javascript if it occurs again, thanks.

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