How to check if a check box is checked.
I have a test which checks "check boxes" using the Subject7 check function. This works well, so my locators are correct.
I would like to read back the value of the check box (whether checked or not) later in the test. Get_web_value always returns "on" whether the box is checked or not. Any ideas on how I can read back the checkbox value?
Sure. That I can do. It appears to look the same no matter what. But Subject7 seems to be able to read it to check it or uncheck it.
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Before the checkbox is checked:
<input id="select0" type="checkbox" title="Select">
After the checkbox is checked:
<input id="select0" type="checkbox" title="Select">
Krisztian, what I did is add the string (not including quotes) ":checked
" to the "Css Selector" box in the Subject7 locator. The xpath still needs to be in place.
I haven't verified it, but to check if it is not checked you could probably add this ":not(:checked)
This does mean you need to build additional locators for each verification in addition to the locator for checking/unchecking the check box.
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