Comma Separated Next Expression doesn't work on SET_VAR command when referencing to LIST
We have SET_VAR steps that uses Next expression to reference to the LIST elements (which is already defined in the test.) These expressions are comma separated.
After the last upgrade on 7/27/2022 to, the SET_VAR can no longer convert the expressions to the values in the list when it's comma saperated.
Below is the list values:
When using the expression to reference to the list values, it's not getting the values:
This was working fine in previous runs before the upgrade:
Note: If only single expression used in SET_VAR, it will get the value from the list correctly:
The expressions are used according to the guidance of the SET_LIST command:
Hi Hasib,
The fix for this issue has been deployed to the latest version currently in production. Once your instance is upgraded, you will be able to generate multiple comma separated values from the lists in Set_Var command. Thank you for reporting this issue, it will be marked as Completed now.
Subject7 Team
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