
"Error Loading Extension" failure in local run in Chrome

When running tests in chrome locally, for the step which launches browser, it's showing below message.

Step failure showing below:

The error doesn't happen when running on Firefox and Chrome.

Joseph Hamdan

Hi Hasib,

1. Does a web test work on your machine with Chrome and you only have the issue with Javascript execution step?

2. How many test cases are affected by this?

3. When was the last time this was working for you?

4. What is the version of Subject7, Chrome driver and Chrome browser on your machine?

5. Are you using a custom Chrome driver?

6. Have you ever used Subject7 Recorder?

Subject7 Team

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Hasib Rostaiee

Thank you Joseph, the issue was about GOTO_URL command when running in chrome.

It got fixed when deactivated the recorder.

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Sonya Maniapoto


This also occurs for all the tester's local runs here at NZ Police.  As a workaround, we are disabling the recorder for now as we dont yet have the extension avail for Edge, but when we do, this will not be acceptable.  Can you pls advise resolution for this?

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Rex Feizi


We offer two deployment options for our customers: unpacked/unsigned or packed/signed. While unpacked extensions are convenient during installation, they lack a digital signature which means that the extension's contents can be modified at any time. For enterprise, however, we recommend using our signed packed extensions. They are digitally signed, uploaded to the official extension web stores of Google Chrome, and scanned and reviewed for compliance with store policies before being made available for distribution. All managed web browsers prohibit the use of unpacked web browser extensions as they cannot be secured, making them vulnerable to modification at any time. Therefore, we recommend that customers deploy our extensions by blocking all browser extensions initially and then whitelisting specific extensions based on their unique extension ID. This can be accomplished using Group Policy or similar corporate policy management tools.

Please note that our Chrome extensions are designed with security in mind. They only communicate with the application under test and our on-prem Subject7 server, capturing events fired by the user and generating locators and commands accordingly. No data from the app under test is saved or sent to any other location, and our extensions do not have any context of the app they are helping to automate. 

Hope this helps. 

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Sonya Maniapoto

Thanks Rex

We are still awaiting the whitelisting of the Edge extensions from store.  Will retry when installation is complete.

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