How to securely add your sensitive information in Subject7

Sensitive information can be saved in Subject7 to be used in test cases without revealing any of this information to anyone. 

  1. Navigate to Repository > Data Templates and click Add >Template
  2. Add a name for the data template
  3. Give the template at least one field (let's say "value" in this case) and click the radio button next to Password
  4. Click Save
  5. Click the View Datasets icon highlighted below
  6. Fill in a Dataset Name
  7. Provide the value
  8. Click Save
  9. Check the box next to the row of the Dataset value
  10. With the box checked, select the Lock icon to lock the dataset from changes (Optional)
  11. With the box checked (from step 9), select the shield with an X to "Restrict dataset usage". This will allow only the owner user to use the dataset in a test case
  12. This is not necessary for encryption, it's an additional functionality the tool has that may be useful in certain situations
  13. Save & Close the datasets
  14. Save & Close the data template
  15. Create a test case (Flows > Tests and then Add Folder, Suite, Automated Test Case). Name the test case.
  16. Create a step with command Write
  17. In the message field click into the input and then select the Inject Template icon (syringe)
  18. Choose your data template (from step 1a)
  19. Choose the field (from step 1b, "value" in this case)
  20. Click Inject
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