You can use the SET_DATE command to create a specific date in a specific format. This command takes the following parameters:
Variable name: This is the variable name where you would like to store the created date into
Source: This is where the date value is coming from. It could either be for the current date or a specific date. Example: which takes your computer's system date (today's date) or @another_variable defined through SET_VAR or GET_WEB_VALUE commands.
Source Format: This is the format for the source date. Example: yyyy-dd-MM. Other date patterns can be obtained from the website:
Target Format: This is the format for the date resulting from this command. Example: yyyy-dd-MM. Other date patterns can be obtained from the website:
Offset: This adds or removes hours, days, months, or years from the date obtained in source above. Example: +1d (adds one day), -2M (removes 2 months), +1y (adds one year)
Example 1 using
SET_DATE HALT yesterday "yyyy-dd-MM" "yyyy-dd-MM" "-1d" (References to wizard for this command: Variable name = yesterday, Source Format =, Target Format = yyyy-dd-MM, Offset = -1d to go back one day)
Example 2 using a user defined date:
SET_VAR HALT Static my_date "2014/01/01"
SET_DATE HALT one_year_before_my_date @my_date "yyyy/dd/MM" "yyyy-dd-MM" "-1y"
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