How to use the SET_VAR command variations?

SET_VAR command enables you to create a variable for use within your test case. It provides the following options:

1. Static:

  • Based on static value. Example: SET_VAR HALT Static my_static_variable "18"

2. Pattern:

  • Based on a regular expression (i.e. RegEx). Example: SET_VAR HALT Pattern my_pattern_variable "[1-9],\d{3},\d{3} (This will generate a number of the format a,bcd,efg where each of these alphabets is a digit)

3. Expression:

  • Based on an expression such as @var1+@var2-5 (where var1 and var2 are different variables defined prior to this command). Example: SET_VAR HALT Expression my_expression_variable "@var1 + @var2 - 5"

4. Static / Concatenation:

  • Based on concatenation of text such as "Hello" "Adam". Example: 
    • SET_VAR HALT STATIC my_static_variable "Hello"
    • SET_VAR HALT STATIC my_static_variable2 " Adams"
    • SET_VAR HALT STATIC concatenated_string "@my_static_variable @my_static_variable2" (resulting in concatenated_string = Hello Adams)

5. Random:

  • Based on a fixed length variable that is comprised of a specific alphabet. Example: SET_VAR HALT Random my_dynamic_variable 10 "A-Z1-9" (This will generate a 10 character word that included letters A through Z and digits 1 through 9)
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