How to convert Selenium IDE-recorded tests to Subject7 automated tests

To convert a test case recorded with Selenium IDE, follow the steps below or watch the video after the steps:

1- Record your test case using Selenium IDE. In the video at the bottom of the article, we have used an example to navigate to Reference site, log into a user and add a new post.

2- Stop recording the test case on Selenium IDE and enter a name for it.

3- Save the project to a location on your device.

4- Back on Subject7, click Artifacts and select Selenese Repository to define your Selenese object.

5- Click + icon, select Object and enter a name for your object.

6- Click Converter to convert Selenium IDE file to commands that Subject7 will run.

7- For Selenium IDE version 2.x, copy and paste the HTML output of the Selenium IDE recording into the text area shown below:

8- For Selenium IDE version 3.x, upload the file that was saved from the Selenium IDE project.

9- Select the parameter for the converter in case it runs into an unsupported command:

                A- Skip: Skips any unsupported command and brings up supported ones only.

                B- Error: Shows an error message if an unsupported command is found.

10- Click Convert. The result will appear in the Commands field.

11- Click Save.

12- Create an automated test case and use the command Execute_Selenese.

13- Select the object you defined earlier.

14- Run your test case to verify that the steps have been performed successfully.


See the video below in which the same steps were performed (Selenium IDE version 3.x was used)

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