
Remove type ahead in locator search

Currently, when you try to find a locator for a new step and start to type in the locator name you get a "suggestion list" and and the top suggested locator is typed ahead in the input box. Having the "suggestion list" is helpfully but "types ahead" cases some problems. Whenever you type something in and click on any button other than letter characters (ie. dot, enter, backspace...) system automatically enters the top suggested locator. In most of the cases this is not the locator that you need and you have to remove text back to where you typed and start typing again. It becomes a nightmare to be able to find the correct locator if you not 100% sure of it's name.

Can you please remove the type ahead and auto population and just leave the "suggestion list"


1 comment
Payam Fard

This is fixed in release 8.6. Thanks for your recommendation.

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