Integration with Zephyr Test Case Management

Background: Zephyr Test Case Management by Smartbear is really popular. It has over 13,000 downloads on the Atlassian Marketplace and is regarded as an industry leader.

Ask: Being able to connect to Zephyr test cases in Jira and update executions of automated test cases would be very useful. It would allow us to report to stakeholders who do not have access to Subject7/interest in technical details while still being able to relay execution status and test coverage of automated test cases. 

Joseph Hamdan

Hi David,

Would it be possible to provide more detail into what is required for the role of Zephyr here so we can better understand it and provide more updates ?


Subject7 Team

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David Beinhart

We are using Zephyr to:

  1. Track all test cases, both Manual and Automated*
  2. View executions of test cases
  3. Report on defects/provide requirements tractability.

We like this because: 

  1. Jira is widely used and it is easier for everyone across teams and roles to see test cases, understand coverage ect. 

Our biggest problem: 

  1. Understanding how we can update automated executions in Zephyr 

*For both automated and manual test cases, we are capturing the logic of the test case (Readable steps along columns like Test Steps, Expected Results, Test Data). The actual automation is not in the Zephyr test case (locators ect) and is still being created/stored/executed in Subject7. 


Hope this helps. 

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