Proof Version 4.4 - 9/1/2014

Proof version 4.4 has the following enhancements and bug fixes:

  1. SET_DB command is now available. You can use this command to issue a query against your database of choice and save the results into a variable that you can use further down in your test case. Steps to use this new command are as follows:
    1. Create/Manage your queries through Test Artifacts -> Query Management menu
    2. Go to wizard and select SET_DB command
    3. Provide your variable name
    4. Select your database connection from a previously defined connection
    5. Select your query from one defined in step a. above
    6. Provide characters to exclude if any
    7. Click on Finish
  2. Test case sequencing/ordering is now available. You can sequence/order your test cases in a test suite so that they get executed in the same order specified without getting parallel executed on different virtual machines. In order to use this new feature, you can use the Order field available when authoring/editing test cases of a test suite
  3. You can now perform local run on Chrome browser of Mac
  4. Selenium drivers are updated to the latest
  5. Snippet support is added. This is how you can write plugins for Proof and extend the capabilities of the system. If you would like to perform an operation that Proof does not currently support, you can write code in Java and Selenium and package it in a jar file. Here are the steps:
    1. Upload your jar file (with your snippet code included) along with other jar files your code is dependent on using Test Artifacts -> File Uploads menu
    2. Create a new snippet under Test Artifacts -> Code Snippets menu and provide the jar including the jar file dependencies, fully qualifies name for your class, and the method you would like to invoke
    3.  In your test case write the command INVOKE snippet_name (defined in step b. above). We will provide the wizard for this command in a future release
    4. You can also select the data templates your snippet is going to use when defining your snippet. This will make the data template available in your snippet code
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