v10.4.5 has been released!
- Added new option to ungroup steps by right-clicking the parent group step
- Added a new Last Updated By column to Tests and Functions flows which displays the username of the person who made the last update
- Download Video now directly downloads the execution video to the user's machine instead of opening in a new tab
- Improved some behaviors for analyst users to prevent:
- Uploading datasets into locked data templates they do not own
- Changing the event of a teardown for a locked test they do not own
- Adding steps to teardowns of locked tests they do not own
- Updating the forms of locked REST and SOAP Connections they do not own
- Improved Web Locators to display Type in the filter when the user creates a new one for the first time. Previously, page reloading was required to display it
- Improved overwriting the selected file in File_Upload command where previously users had to select another file and save the test
- Fixed an issue with cloud execution where previously sending the test to cloud run and modifying the test before it's sent to the queue would cause the execution to go to ERROR state
- Fixed an issue where previously calling a variable in an encrypted field could cause the wrong value to be saved
On-Premise Configurations
NOTE: It's important to keep all services up to date.
Default Repo URL: registry.gitlab.com/subject7inc (Accessible with Tokens) or use your proxy URL
Container |
Image URL |
Version |
activemq |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/activemq:6.1.5.s7-b2 |
6.1.5.s7-b2 |
configserver |
$RepoURL/configserver/configserver: | |
grail |
$RepoURL/grail/grail: | |
hera |
$RepoURL/hera/hera-service: | |
ml-worker |
$RepoURL/ml-worker/ml-worker: | |
nginx |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/nginx:1.24.0.ubi9-b7 |
1.24.0.ubi9-b7 |
package-manager |
$RepoURL/package-manager/package-manager:1.2.41 |
1.2.41 |
postgres |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/postgres:12.22.0.s7-b1 |
12.22.0.s7-b1 |
postgres-backup |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/postgres-backup:postgres-backup:15.10.0.s7-b2 |
15.10.0.s7-b2 |
proof |
$RepoURL/platform/platform:proof: | |
proof-worker |
$RepoURL/platform/proof-worker: | |
storage-service |
$RepoURL/storage-service/storage: | |
webdrivers |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/webdrivers:20250219.s7-b1 |
20250219.s7-b1 |
XPoint |
$RepoURL/platform/xpoint: | |
XPoint update: Yes
Hot deploy: No
Jenkins plugin update: No
JIRA plugin update: No
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