v10.4.0 has released!
In this release we introduce one of our largest updates to the user experience for Execution Sets, with a focus on understanding the results of your execution and locating failed test runs. The first thing you’ll notice is that Execution Sets have their own context, and you view each set in its own distinct tab. This dedicated view will improve your understanding of the results, so you can better assess changes that need to be made in the test case or execution set, and you can convey application defects to the other members of your product team. As you work with the execution result screens, you’ll also see these additional improvements and fixes:
- The dedicated views for the Execution Set, Execution Result, and Test Run include the Detail pane for additional information about the selected item in each view
- There are direct links to the Execution Result and Test Run from the top level, so you can quickly get to the details about a failed test run
- Within a single Execution Set, we have added forward and backward controls to help you move between each level
- Since each Execution Set has its own dedicated navigation tab, the tab title is more descriptive as you move between the views. And you can open multiple Execution Set tabs, to easily switch between your open sets.
- The top-level view of Execution Sets contains historical information, showing the results of the last 5 executions and the average duration across those executions
- As you review the execution results, you can view and update the Execution Set settings from the top-level and Execution Set views
- We have added multiple graphical widgets to quickly convey information about the execution result, including the Pass Rate and the Pool used for the execution
- A new Test Run summary bar displays where in the test case workflow the failure occurred, based upon the expected number of executed commands
- The Test Run view UI matches the Test Case UI so you can scroll through the entire list of executed commands, making it easier to understand what was executed and to compare between the Test Case and Test Run
The video of the test run is integrated into the Test Run view, so you can see the executed commands along side the video, and which provides additional benefits:
Captions can be displayed on the video, which displays the executed command
You can select an executed command to cue the video to that point
For failed test runs, the video is cued up to a few seconds before the failure so you can quickly see what may have caused the failure
Please note that videos generated before this release will not have the additional functionality of captions and cue points
- The breadcrumbs have been moved closer to the object you are viewing, separating them from the Action bar
The display of dates and times has been updated to make it easier to understand the information, and to put relevant information where you need it. This includes the following:
- For things that have occurred, or will occur, in the current day, the time is displayed (no date)
- For things that are 1-7 days away, we use descriptive values like “tomorrow” or the day of the week
- The time is included with the date when appropriate, for example in the detailed view or when you are comparing
- Durations display as minutes and seconds (mm:ss), with milliseconds when appropriate like on the Test Run view
- Units of measure are part of the value, for example 200ms
- Fixed an issue with step captions in cloud execution results where previously it would show older style captions
- Fixed an issue with Multi Action command where previously using Step Over executes Multi Action step as well as the next step
- Fixed an issue with Advanced View in test cases where previously some commands pasted into the Advanced Editor did not include the Runtime Options, and then defaulted to Halt on Failure
On-Premise Configurations
NOTE: It's important to keep all services up to date.
Default Repo URL: registry.gitlab.com/subject7inc (Accessible with Tokens) or use your proxy URL
Container |
Image URL |
Version |
activemq |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/activemq:6.1.4.s7-b2 |
6.1.4.s7-b2 |
configserver |
$RepoURL/configserver/configserver: | |
grail |
$RepoURL/grail/grail: | |
hera |
$RepoURL/hera/hera-service: | |
ml-worker |
$RepoURL/ml-worker/ml-worker: | |
nginx |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/nginx:1.24.0.ubi9-b5 |
1.24.0.ubi9-b5 |
package manager |
$RepoURL/package-manager/package-manager:1.2.36 |
1.2.36 |
postgres |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/postgres:12.20.0.s7-b3 |
12.20.0.s7-b3 |
postgres-backup |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/postgres-backup:postgres-backup:15.10.0.s7-b1 |
15.10.0.s7-b1 |
proof |
$RepoURL/platform/platform:proof: | |
proof-worker |
$RepoURL/platform/proof-worker: | |
storage-service |
$RepoURL/storage-service/storage: | |
webdrivers |
$RepoURL/docker-containers/webdrivers:20241203.s7-b1 |
20241203.s7-b1 |
XPoint |
$RepoURL/platform/xpoint: | |
XPoint update: Yes
Hot deploy: No
Jenkins plugin update: No
JIRA plugin update: No
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