Proof Version 4.6 - 10/7/2014

Proof version 4.6 has the following enhancements and bug fixes:

  1. Fixed the execution delete defect. You can delete executions by following the steps below:
    1. Click on Execution -> Execution Sets
    2. Click the Details button of a specific execution set
    3. Select the checkbox next to a specific execution
    4. Click the Actions button
    5. Select Delete
  2. Added Re-run failures for an execution. If a few test cases of an execution set fail, you can rerun only the failed set of test case with this feature as opposed to executing the entire execution set again. You can follow the steps below to do so:
    1. Click on Execution -> Execution Sets
    2. Click the Details button of a specific execution set
    3. Select the checkbox next to a specific execution
    4. Click the Actions button
    5. Select Rerun Failures
  3. Added more screen resolutions in the execution set page
  4. Fixed the date comparison defects
  5. Fixed the Drag and Drop wizard defect
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