Proof Version 3.6 - 2/17/2014

Proof version 3.6 has the following enhancements and bug fixes:
1. Pause and /Resume are added to the local player
      a. You can now pause the execution of a test case. When test case is getting executed, the play button gets converted to pause button, when clicked on, it will pause the execution of the test case. At this point, you can add more steps to the test case, click the reload button of the local player, and click the play button again
      b. Single click on the newly added left-most column of the local player, it will add an arrow to the cell clicked on. You can start the execution again from the step where arrow is on

2. You can add/remove test suites to/from an execution set.
      a. Add suites
            i. Drag and drop the test suite that you would like to add to this execution set to clipboard
            ii. Go to Execution -> Execution Sets from the top menu
            iii. Click on the down arrow to the left of the execution set you want to make modifications to and select “Suites & DataSets”. DataSet Selection for… tab is opened
            iv.	Drag and drop the test suite copied to clipboard in step a above to where all of the test suites are displayed for this execution set
      b. Remove suites
            i. Go to Execution -> Execution Sets from the top menu
            ii.	Click on the down arrow to the left of the execution set you want to make modifications to and select “Suites & DataSets”. DataSet Selection for… tab is opened
            iii. You can click on the “x” of specific suite you would like to remove
            iv.	Click OK when the confirmation popup is presented

3. Copy test case is added
      a. Drag and drop the test case to be copied to clipboard
      b. Navigate to the test suite where you would like to copy the test case to
      c. Drag and drop the test case copied to clipboard in step a above to the test suite navigated to in step b
      d. Select “Copy” as the option

4. Target Server is no longer a mandatory field when defining Execution sets 

5. Execution sets by default include all test cases now

6. Favorite no longer truncates the long test case names

7. Resume From Step Number textbox in local player is removed
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