Proof Version 3.8.3 - 4/2/2014

Proof version 3.8.3 has the following enhancements and bug fixes:

1. Export of test cases to Java Selenium is added a. Click on the icon to the left of a test case b. Click on “Selenium Export” 2. Page Render timeout and Locator/Web Element timeouts are now configurable through the local player 3. Added indentation for reporting steps related to functions and suite setup and tear down 4. Trigger was running twice prior to this release. It is fixed now 5. Test case execution “Result” column under reporting now contains links to all the failed steps including fail skips 6. Messages displayed in local player are shortened with more details available when hovering on top of them 7. Execution sets can be saved now without assigning a pool to them. During cloud run, an error message will be shown if no pools are yet assigned 8. Modified page render timeout and locator timeout to seconds 9. Subject7 support email address is added at the footer of every page
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