Set up Gutenberg (Subject7 Smart XPath/CSS Generator Engine)

Gutenberg by Subject7 is an XPath/CSS generation engine. It uses hints provided by users to create robust and resilient to-change XPaths.

There are 2 ways to install the Chrome Extension.

  1. Packed Version: This is the preferred and most secure way. This is through the Chrome Web Store. Here is a link to the Gutenberg extension.
  2. Unpacked Version: Download the latest extension here and please follow these steps: 
    1. From Google Chrome, click on the 3 dots under the close button, then go to More Tools-> Extensions
    2. Make sure that Developer Mode is turned on (at the top right of the page). If it's disabled, turn it on.
    3. Drag and drop the plugin file to Google Chrome to install it. Alternatively, you can extract the contents of the .zip file to a folder and click Load unpacked from Chrome to select the folder.

Once you start the extension in Chrome, please follow these steps in either installation: 

  1. You will be asked if you have a Subject7 account. Click Yes.
  2. Enter the host (Subject7’s website), username, and password for your account. Click Test to see if access is successful.

 * The following video goes over the same steps above:

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