Subject7 Player Setup Instructions (Linux)

In order to run your test case locally on your machine, perform the following steps:

1- Next to your profile name, hover over the arrow next to the red icon and click the Download Local Player link.

2- Once the executable file is downloaded, right click on it.


3- Select Properties


4- Click Permissions tab and select the checkbox next to “Allow executing file as program


5- Double click on the installation file to begin the installation.

6- Click Forward


7- Accept the Licensing agreement and click Forward.


8- Select the installation directory.


9-If you are accessing, you can click Next. Otherwise, click On-Premise Installation checkbox to enable it and include your Subject7 platform’s URL and port (please pay attention to change this to the correct URL) and click Next.

*NOTE: The port entered here must match what you have in User Execution Preferences and must be a free port (default is 10000).

*NOTE: Subject7 Player has OpenJRE 11 packaged, so it will be used during installation and execution.

10- Click Install and the installer will install Subject7 player on your machine.


11- Once the installation is complete, you can deselect the options below or keep them selected and click Finish.


12- Double click on the shortcut on your desktop to start the player. If your OS does not allow to launch it, right click the icon and click Allow Launching.


13- Once the application starts, the indicator on Subject7’s website will turn to green and you can run your test cases locally now. If it does not change to green, refresh your page or make sure that the application is running.


14- To close the Subject7 Player, right click on the icon in the tray and select Exit.


15- For future use, you can enable/disable starting the Subject7 Player when the operating system starts. To do so, right click on Subject7's icon in the tray and click "Enable start on system start". The next time you restart your device, you will notice the Subject7 Player running automatically. To disable this, right click on Subject7's icon in the tray and click "Disable start on system start".

*Enabling Subject7 Player automatic start:


*Disabling Subject7 Player automatic start:


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