Subject7 Player Guide

Minimum System Requirements

  1. 4-Core CPU
  2. 8GB RAM
  3. 500MB disk space
  4. Windows, Linux or MacOS (including M1 chipset)

PS: Click on the links in point 4 to be directed to local player installation articles for the various operating systems.


Java Development Kit best supported versions

1. Oracle JDK versions 8-17

2. OpenJDK versions 8-17

PS: The downloaded version of JDK must be compatible with your machine. For example, you should not install a 32-bit version on a 64-bit machine. You can check the version by entering 'java -version' in CMD or your terminal to confirm the installed version. 

PS: If Java Development Kit is not installed or if the wrong version was installed, you could see errors like the below can be seen. Please make sure that JDK is properly installed in order to prevent this error from happening.



Required permissions for local player download/installation

1. Download permission must be allowed on the device/browser from or from the URL designated to access the platform in on-premise installations

2. Installation permission with permission to create basic folders and files

3. Firewall permission that allows to install applications and download data. Otherwise some errors like the below could appear if the installer is blocked from contacting the download server:


4. Downloading the local player files must not be interrupted. Even if the installation completes, it may not be complete. As a result, some errors like the below could appear, where re-installing it will be necessary. This error could also occur if you installed an older version of local player and the current version is more recent. It's advised to always use an up-to-date installer directly from the platform.



Download/Install error

If the error below appears, it usually means that your URL is incorrect or may contain spaces or disallowed characters. Please ensure you are using with no spaces.



Folder/File creation permission

1. The path where Subject7 Local Player should be installed in has to be a path where you are allowed to create folders and files. For example, C:\Subject7 Local Player is a very good place to install it. Avoid using C:\Program Files or C:\Windows as these locations may not allow folder/file creation without administrative permission and can cause installation/update failure.

2. The location where Java Development Kit is installed must not be locked from editing or not permitted to download files. This may abrupt installation or cause errors.

3. The value for environment variables TMP/TEMP must be a path where the user can create files/folders, otherwise this may cause random failures in some executions. Refer to File Upload command article for help with this point.


Compatible Browsers

1. Chrome (UI and Headless)

2. Firefox

3. Edge (Chromium only)

4. Safari (MacOS)


Local Player Icon

1. Local Player icon is placed in the tray on the bottom right corner of your screen if you are using Windows. If you are using Linux or MacOS, it will be placed in the tray on the top right.

2. If you are using MacOS, installation of the .DMG file will only be required once. You can eject it afterwards and launch local player from Applications.


Local Player Update

Refer to this article for help with updating local player when needed.


Local Player Auto-Start

You can allow local player to automatically start by right clicking the tray icon and clicking Enable start on system start. When you start or reboot your machine, it will automatically start.


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