Subject7 version 9.2.2 - 6/05/2021

Subject7 version 9.2.2 has the following enhancements and bug fixes:


  • Introduced command templates that can be used with the commands: Click, Check, Drag_And_Drop, Fill, Hover, Hover_And_Click and Select. Command templates allow users to:
    • Create a function with parameters (Boolean, Choice or Text options). This function differs from regular functions in the way it allows users to add data to the parameters and this data can be selected prior to execution
    • Ability to call functions with parameters (BETA). Functions can be extended to work on a specific command and the extension can be selected by clicking Override on the command
    • Extend default commands to customize behavior using function calls with parameters (BETA)
    • Select specific data from the command prior to execution
    • For example, a date selector can be created with years 2021-2025, months Jan-Dec and days 1-31. Then dynamic XPaths can be used in locators to reflect the function variables. Finally, the function can be used as a single step to perform selection of days, months and years based on the users selection inside the step
    • Refer to this guide for additional help on how to set this up
  • Introduced a new command called Auto_Scrolling which allows turning on/off auto scrolling for the test case before or after specific steps.
  • Some other minor enhancements and bug fixes
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